We invite you to be a part of our journey. When you choose to support Elevate: A Campaign for NC Wesleyan, you are investing in critical education for our future.
Your personal, meaningful gift is deductible from your adjusted gross income, and gifts may be made in honor or in memory of others.
Gifts of approved appreciated assets are credited at current market value; donor may avoid capital gains tax on any appreciation of the assets.
QCDs allows IRA owners who are over age 70 have funds transferred to a Non-Profit Organization (like NCWU) without any tax liability. The Distribution also qualifies for IRA Required Minimum Distributions. Consult your Tax Advisor for further education or assistance.
Your pledged commitment is accepted and allows you to make payments to fulfill the pledged amount within a set time-frame convenient for your financial situation. Five years is the maximum pledged time period to complete the gift.
There are numerous planned giving options to consider, including life insurance, bequests, retirement plan gifts, charitable gift annuities, etc. The Advancement Office will discuss your options to meet your needs.
DAFs provide a flexible tax-efficient, and strategically advantageous way for donors to maximize the impact of their philanthropic efforts.