Campaign Overview

Your Support is needed

Now More Than Ever!

Elevate: A Campaign for Wesleyan reflects North Carolina Wesleyan University’s roots in the civic mission of our founders, leaders who had the foresight to place an institution of higher education in Rocky Mount to capitalize on an auspicious moment. As a newly fledged university, Wesleyan is uniquely situated to anchor a new educational vision for northeastern North Carolina - a region that is well-positioned for sustainable growth and focused on the future. 

The campaign promises to elevate every element of our institution as we launch new programs, integrate with and stimulate the economy, and serve the communities that helped give us birth. 

Living into the promise of this new day at North Carolina Wesleyan will require support from our alumni, parents, faculty, staff and community. Together, we can raise up this institution to serve as both a reflection of, and an inspiration for, a new eastern North Carolina that is mindful of its past and committed to a bright future. Together, we can Wesleyan to new heights. 

sidewalk leading up to brick building

An Overview of the Campaign
